Sunday, December 25, 2011

Feria de Cali Plaza de Toros Ganaderia Salento Hoy 7:00 pm Novillada de Feria con Picadores

Fernando IX University

Hoy 7:00 pm Novillada de Feria con Picadores Ganaderia Salento

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University

Install this theme

Salsódromo, Desfile de apertura de la 54 Feria de Cali 2011

Diciembre 25, 2011
Autopista Corazón de la Feria
A qué hora?:
12 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Tarjeta de presentación de Cali para el mundo, contando con la puesta en escena de las mejores escuelas de salsa de Cali.

  • 900 metros de recorrido
  • 8 Alas temáticas - 25 Escuelas de salsa
  • 4 Carrozas, cada una con orquesta
  • Comparsa Titikó
  • Comparsa Los Guaracheros de Regla

Primera Carroza:
Ganadores de la Modalidad Ensamble del Festival mundial de salsa.- Cali Latino

Segunda Carroza:
Orquesta La Misma Gente

Tercera Carroza:
Orquesta de Fruko y sus Tesos y artistas de Joe La Leyenda

Cuarta Carroza:
Oscar de León

  • Tres sistemas de tracción
  • Escuela de salsa infantil
  • Vieja guardia

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University
Cabalgata de la Feria de Cali 54th Feria de Cali

Cabalgata de la Feria de Cali

Cabalgata de la Feria de Cali
Diciembre 26, 2011
Recorrido por el Sur de la Ciudad
A qué hora?:
1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Después del Salsódromo, la cabalgata es el evento más importante de la programación de la Feria de Cali.

Se realiza en el sur de la ciudad el 26 de diciembre. Cuenta con la participación de 3000 caballos con sus respectivos jinetes, quienes permanentemente son vigilados y protegidos por los binomios de la Policía de Carabineros. Ellos son los encargados de la seguridad de la cabalgata, con el apoyo de las autoridades, quienes regulan la movilidad, el respeto del espacio público y el cuidado de los ejemplares equinos.

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University
Concierto Juvenil de la 54 Feria de Cali

Concierto Juvenil de la 54 Feria de Cali

Concierto Juvenil de la 54 Feria de Cali
Diciembre 26, 2011
Canchas Panamericanas
A qué hora?:
3 p.m. - 3 a.m.

Vive el Concierto Juvenil de la 54 Feria de Cali en las Canchas Panamericanas este 26 de Diciembre a partir de las 3:00 p.m.

Artistas invitados:

  1. The Mills
  2. C.J. Castro
  3. Junio Jein
  4. Element Black
  5. Diamantino
  6. Integración Casanova
  7. Ángeles
  8. Sonde Aka
  9. Jerson & Stward
  10. Cazadores
  11. Superlitio
  12. Andy Caicedo
  13. El Gamin

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University
Desfile Carnaval de Cali Viejo @ 54th Feria de Cali

Desfile Carnaval de Cali Viejo

Desfile Carnaval de Cali Viejo
Diciembre 28, 2011
Autopista Corazón de la Feria
A qué hora?:
1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Como ya es tradicional, el desfile Carnaval del Cali Viejo se realiza en la Autopista Corazón de la Feria en la tarde del 28 de diciembre.

El carnaval busca mantener vivas las tradiciones culturales de Santiago de Cali, razón por la cual los asistentes encuentran aquí, desde el inicio hasta el final, un recorrido histórico a través de las etapas vividas en la ciudad.

  • Personajes representativos de la cultura de nuestra ciudad

Dónde se hará el Festival Carnaval de Cali Viejo

El Festival Carnaval de Cali Viejo se hará en la Autopista Corazón de la Feria, esta es la Auopista Sur Oriental entre carreras 56 y 39.

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Concierto de Música Popular y Baladas de la 54 Feria de Cali

Concierto de Música Popular y Baladas de la 54 Feria de Cali

Concierto de Música Popular y Baladas de la 54 Feria de Cali
Diciembre 28, 2011
Canchas Panamericanas
A qué hora?:
3 p.m. - 3 a.m.

Gran Concierto de Música Popular en la 53 Feria de Cali éste 28 de Diciembre en las Canchas Panamericanas.

Artistas invitados:

  1. Charrito Negro
  2. Luis Alberto Posada
  3. Luisito Muñoz
  4. Romeo Zanneti
  5. Tizziano de América
  6. Juan Nicolás Estela.
  7. Jorge Luis Hortua.
  8. Isadora
  9. Billy Pontoni
  10. Raul Santi
  11. Alci Acosta

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University
Desfile de Autos Antiguos de la 54 Feria de Cali

Desfile de Autos Antiguos de la 54 Feria de Cali

Desfile de Autos Antiguos de la 54 Feria de Cali
Diciembre 29, 2011
Autopista Corazón de la Feria
A qué hora?:
1 p.m. - 7 p.m.

El tradional Desfile de Autos Antiguos de la Feria de Cali reune a los amantes de los autos clásicos, será este 29 de diciembre a partir de la 1:00 p.m. en la Autopista Corazón de la Feria.

Dónde se hará el Desfile de Autos Antiguos de la 54 Feria de Cali

El Desfile de Autos Antiguos se hará en la Autopista Corazón de la Feria, esta es la Auopista Sur Oriental entre carreras 56 y 39.

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores @ 54th Feria de Cali

Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores

Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores
Diciembre 29, 2011
Canchas Panamericanas
A qué hora?:
2 p.m. - 10 p.m.

El Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores es el espacio de la Feria de Cali para los amantes del baile. Se llevará a cabo en las Canchas Panamericanas.

Dónde es el Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores de la 54 Feria de Cali?

El Encuentro de Bailarines y Bailadores de la 54 Feria de Cali será en las Canchas Panamericanas, ubicadas en la Calle 9 entre carreras 34 y 39.

Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Fernando IX University
Feria Comunera y Rural @ 54th Feria de Cali

Feria Comunera y Rural

Feria Comunera y Rural
Diciembre 25, 2011 - Diciembre 30, 2011
Comunas y Corregimientos
A qué hora?:
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

La Feria de Cali es una Feria inclusiva, y se llega a las Comunas y Corregimientos con programación desde el 25 al 30 de diciembre.

Porque la Feria de Cali es para todos! TASCAS / 54th Feria de Cali, Colombia

Fernando IX University Encuentro de Melómanos y Coleccionistas - 54th Feria de Cali

Encuentro de Melómanos y Coleccionistas - Feria de Cali

Encuentro de Melómanos y Coleccionistas de la Feria de Cali
Diciembre 26, 2011 - Diciembre 30, 2011
Antiguas instalaciones Industria de Licores del Valle
A qué hora?:
2 p.m. - 2 a.m.

En la 54 Feria de Cali el Encuentro de Melómanos y Coleccionistas se llevará a cabo del 26 al 30 de Diciembre de 2010 en Ciudad Salsa (antiguas instalaciones de la Industria de Licores del Valle) a partir de las 2:00 p.m.

26 de Diciembre. Por definir

27 de Diciembre. Por Definir

28 de Diciembre. La Sonora Ponceña

29 de Diciembre. Raphy Leavit & La Selecta

30 de Diciembre. Por Definir

54th Feria de Cali, Columbia Agenda Cultural

Fernando IX University Cierre de la 54th Feria de Cali

Cierre de la Feria

Cierre de la Feria
Diciembre 30, 2011
Canchas Panamericanas
A qué hora?:
3 p.m. - 3 a.m.

Artistas invitados:

  1. Raphy Leavit & La Selecta
  2. La Sonora Ponceña
  3. Grupo Niche
  4. Jimmy Saa y su Orquesta
  5. Willy García y su Orquesta
  6. La Gran banda Caleña
  7. Paula Zuleta.
  8. Patacon Pisao y su Orquesta
  9. Alkimia TASCAS / 54th Feria de Cali, Colombia

Fernando IX University

New Library Opens On Campus @ Pascual Guerrero Football Stadium

Fernando IX University

New Library Opens On Campus @ Pascual Guerrero Football Stadium

Fernando IX University
“Hoy con satisfacción nos encontramos en el Estadio inaugurando esta biblioteca y nos sorprende por el diseño, la modernidad y la presentación, esperamos que la gente la disfrute; nosotros hemos sido la capital deportiva de Colombia y debemos continuar siéndolo, y ésta es uno de los hitos, como la biblioteca de la ciudad”, dijo Alfredo Carvajal Sinisterra, de la Junta Directiva de Carvajal S.A.

“Va a ser novedosa porque es temática en esto del deporte y pienso que para nosotros va a ser muy importante es la biblioteca digital”, aseveró el presidente de la Fundación Carvajal, Roberto Pizarro.

“Excelente. El Estadio es algo importantísimo que nos deja ésta administración para la historia del deporte y ahora en la biblioteca temática es algo muy novedoso para nuestra ciudad y en el país. Vamos a disfrutar de lo que es en sí el deporte como tal, estudiado y reflejado en una cultura que hay que rescatar en nuestro Valle del Cauca”, declaró, el Ex fútbolista del Deportivo Cali, Walter Escobar.

Fernando IX University
Fernando IX University

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Escuela Taurina de Cali @ FIX University Campus

Escuela Taurina de Cali @ FIX University Campus

Fernando IX University

Fernando IX University

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mission Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol - Official Trailer @ FIX Universitty

Fernando IX University

Can Mission Impossible 4 break from Ghost Protocol?

Can Tom Cruise and co save the world AND avoid reheating a load of knackered old tropes? Let's trawl through the trailer

This winter's Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol has to walk a very delicate line. On one hand, it has to reinvent the series thanks to all manner of external circumstances, like the commercial under-performance of Mission: Impossible III and the increasing public mistrust of Tom Cruise.

But then again, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol has to remain as an identifiable Mission: Impossible film. It's a hard act to pull off. Tilt too far one way and you might alienate all of Mission: Impossible's existing fans. Tilt too far the other and you'll just be serving up a reheated goop of knackered old tropes. Luckily, thanks to the newest Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol trailer, we're more able than ever to assess the balance that's been struck.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 1

1) Tom Cruise wearing a disguise. We've seen this before, of course. Tom Cruise's Mission: Impossible character is a master of disguise, so he's always dressing up as other people. However, none of Cruise's disguises have ever been as endearingly crap as this – a fake moustache and a hat. Which means that, so far, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is completely new.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 2

2) Tom Cruise getting flung at an awkward angle by an explosion. We've seen this too – the shot of Tom Cruise getting flung at an awkward angle by an explosion on a bridge was one of Mission: Impossible III's most iconic moments. However, this scene doesn't take place on a bridge, so it's still fresh and exciting. Well played, Mission: Impossible.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 3

3) Simon Pegg pulling a face. Simon Pegg's entire screentime on Mission: Impossible III was spent pulling a face. But, crucially, it was an infinitesimally different face to the one he's pulling here. Vive la différence!

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 4

4) Tom Cruise running as fast as he can with a face that suggests he's holding in a fart. Sadly, we have seen this many times before. In every film he's ever made, Tom Cruise runs really fast with a silly expression on his face. Every single one. Disappointing.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 5

5) A woman in a ballgown getting out of a sports car legs-first. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that this is almost the exact same shot used in Mission: Impossible III to announce the arrival of Maggie Q. But hold on there, buster – in that film, the car was a slightly different colour. This is fresh and new and exciting.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 6

6) Sawyer from Lost looking a bit shifty in your grandpa's cap. This is exciting. To my knowledge, no previous Mission: Impossible film has ever featured any former Lost cast member in any form of vaguely antiquated headwear. This immediately negates the thing about Tom Cruise running.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol

7) A woman controlling a touch-screen map projected on to a transparent surface. Now I'm confused. This is a direct steal from Tom Cruise's Minority Report, but it's new for the Mission Impossible series. Oh, screw it, I'm going to say this is another bold reinvention.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 8

8) Tom Cruise titting about with crashed vehicles somewhere dusty. Remember in Mission: Impossible II, where the entire climax involved Tom Cruise titting about with some crashed vehicles and Dougray Scott? They were motorbikes. These are cars. It literally couldn't be more different. If you disagree, you're wrong.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 9

9) A character perfectly suspended by a complex pulley system with his arms outstretched. No, this has never happened in any Mission: Impossible film. Not even once. Another innovation.

Still from Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol 10

10) Tom Cruise leaps out of the world's tallest building attached to a hosepipe and then runs down the side of it. Oh, this again? What a letdown.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

UCI Pursuit World Champions @ FIX University 2011

Fernando IX University
UCI as Seen by FIX @ University Campus Velodrome Dec 2011

UCI as Seen by FIX @ University Campus

Fernando IX University

Juan Esteban Arango, Edwin Ávila, Fabián Puerta, Weimar Roldán y María Luisa Calle.

Federaciones Nacionales:

Argentina, Australia, Alemania, Bélgica, Bielorrusia, Brasil,Canadá, Chile, China, China Taipei, Colombia, Cuba, Dinamarca,Ecuador, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estados Unidos,Francia, Guatemala, Gran Bretaña, Grecia, Holanda, Hong Kong,Irán, Irlanda, Italia, Japón, Kazakhstan, Corea del Sur, Líbano,Lituania, Malasya, México, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, República Checa, Rusia, Sudáfrica, Surinam, Suiza, Tailandia, Trinidad & Tobago, Turquía, Ucrania, Uzbekistán y Venezuela.

Equipos profesionales:

España: Catalunya, Reino de Navarra-Telco-M-Conor, Cespa Euskadi,
Italia: Ceci Dream Bike Team, Gruppo Sportivo Fiamme.

China: Max Sucecss Procycling.
Alemania: Team Erdgas 2012, Team WCCC Equipo UCI.
Irlanda: Cuna Bikes.
Kazakhstan: Track Team Astana.
Malasya: YSD Track Malasya.
Rusia: Loko Sphinx, Moskow Track Team, PetroHolding Leningrad.

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Press Newsletter 16

Germany arrives this night with powerfull track team.
German riders win first stage in Astana.
Also Erdgas Team arrives, first professional team in Cali.
Spanish national team will arrive tomorrow.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenGermany Team Sprint

With the arrival this evening of the first delegation officially opens the curtain parade of 52 squadrons (47 selections and 15 teams) to come to Cali to run the second stop of the UCI Track World Cup 2011, which will begin next Thursday 1 December at the Alcides Nieto Patiño Velodrome.

At 10:15 pm in the 0073 Avianca flight (Official Airline) arrived the 15 members of the National Team of Germany and also the 4 Erdgas German team, led by the great champion Robert Forstemann.

Germany National Team

Madeleine Sandig
Stephanie Pohl
Elke Gebhardt
Mieke KrÖger
Maximilian Levy
Rene Enders
Stefan Nimke
Kristina Vogel
Miriam Welte
Henning Bommel
Marcel Kaltz
Nikias Arndt
Jakob Steigmiller
Stefan SchÄfer
Lucas Liß

Erdgas Track Team 2012 (Alemania)

Robert Förstemann
Stefan Bötticher
Joachim Eilers
Ralph Müller

Spanish national team will arrive tomorrow

The powerful Spanish fleet will arrive in Santiago de Cali on Monday November 21 and from 23 starts training on the track of Alcides Nieto Patiño, the Iberians will bring to the capital of Valle a delegation of nine men and six women.

These are the hours of training initials Iberian delegation:

23 Nov. 10:30 A 12:00 17:00 A 18:30
24 Nov. 10:30 A 12:00 17:00 A 18:30
26 Nov. 09:30 A 11:00 16:00 A 17:30

Cali Secretaria del Deporte de Cali Coldeportes Comite Olimpico Colombiano Indervalle TCC Emcali Aguilaroja
Avianca EscuelaNacionalDelDeporte Colombina Fedeciclismo Liga
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Press Newsletter 15

Australia with Luxury team in persecution.
Cali track with presence of the best persecutor of the world.
International Cycling Union close this monday media accreditation.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenJack Bodridge (AUS)

Every year the Track World Cup in Cali, is loaded with great news, and this time is no exception: confirmation of Australia ratifies nominal presence in Cali oval, of persecutor team world champion and in him, the record-orbital of the individual pursuit, Jack Bobridge.

This Australian born in Adelaide on July 13, 1989 (22 years) is undoubtedly one of the brightest figures in the next stop of the UCI Track World Cup, presented by Samsung, and to be held in Santiago de Cali from 1 to 3 December.

Bobridge is currently the best persecutor of the world, endorsed label that the world record for the 4 kilometers achieved earlier this year (Feb. 2) in Sydney, when stopped the timers in 4 minutes, 10 seconds and 534 thousandths.

Bobridge’s record disappeared the 4’11 “114 that remained in effect for 15 years the legendary British tracker Christopher Boardman.

Bobridge arrives in Cali wearing rainbow t-shirt, which distinguishes it as the current world champion mode, retained the title last March in Apeldoorn (Netherlands), when he beat New Zealand’s Jesse Sargent and his compatriot Michael Hepburn , his bodyguards on the podium.

Jack Bobridge began operating in several Australian teams touring machine, but it was not until 2010 when he stepped up to the professionalism signing with Garmin-Cervelo team, which currently belongs.

For the 2012 season has been confirmed for the new Australian team GreenEdge Cycling Team.

His power and Wheeler established him as premier under-23 World Champion in 2009 in Mendrisio (Switzerland) when Nelson defeated the Portuguese and German Peter Oliveira Gretsch.

Another great news for Colombian fans to the track, is the presence of the Australian team of the Chase, owner of the securities of the last two world championships and big favorite to take the gold medal at the Olympic Games.

The Australian team also consists of:
Rohan Dennis, May 28, 1990, multiple route Australian junior champion, belongs to the Australian training Jayco-Skins.
Michael Hepburn, August 17, 1991, came to cycling from the Triathlon World Junior Champion in Russia of individual Persecuión in 2009.
Luke Durbridge, April 9, 1991, an expert on the stopwatch. Runners-up Under 23 world time trial World Champion 2010 and Under 23 time trial in 2011.

A luxury equipment that will surely make the wood vibrate Alcides Nieto Patiño and enjoy the demanding hobby that fulfills the Velodrome better facilities Americas.

This is the reference current world records for men, before the global showpiece Cali:

200 Mts
9 “572 Kevin Sireau (Fra) - 30.05.2009 Moscow (Russia)
Speed ​​Equipment
42 “950 Great Britain - 15.08.2008 Beijing (China)
(Chris Hoy, Jason Kenny, Jamie Staff)
1 Km
58 “875 Arnaud Tournant (Fra)- 10.10.2001 La Paz (Bol)
4 Km
4’10 “534 Jack Bobridge (Aus) - 02/02/2011 Sydney (Aus)
4 km team
3’53’314 Britain - 18.08.2008 Beijing (Chn)
(Ed Clancy, Paul Manning, Geraint Thomas, Bradley Wiggins)

International Cycling Union close this monday media accreditation.

The Press Office of the second stop of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011, wishes to inform the Media interested in covering the event journalistically, that the process of accreditation is closed on Monday, November 21 at 12 the night. Any untimely request about it, it will be considered.

Applications must reach before the closing date and time, the email addresses of members of the Press Commission, Jairo Chavez, Silvio Zamora and Gonzalo Hernandez.

Cali Secretaria del Deporte de Cali Coldeportes Comite Olimpico Colombiano Indervalle TCC Emcali Aguilaroja
Avianca EscuelaNacionalDelDeporte Colombina Fedeciclismo Liga
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Press Newsletter 14

Countries and professional teams registration ready for UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011.
Officially 47 federations amd 15 professional teams.
317 cyclist will be in Cup, a record in Cali.
Colombia with 15 riders.
7 days for ending media accreditation.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenUCI Track World Cup Cali 2011

The International Cycling Union and the Organizing Committee of the second stage of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011, finally received the official registration of 47 National Federations and 15 professional teams who were registered for the competition from December 1 in the Alcides Nieto Patiño Velodrome.

The number of countries and teams together total 317 riders, a record for Cali stage; the previous year World Cup was the participation of 289 riders, representing a growth of nearly 13% involved in editing this year.

These 62 delegates began arriving in the capital of Valle from November 21 when it reaches the first selection, this time Spain, which from the November 23 start training at the velodrome Cali.

The riders list is counted with the presence of Colombia Track Selection, which will arrive in Cali, among others, the winning group in Guadalajara Pan American Games, with Juan Esteban Arango, Edwin Avila, Fabian Puerta, Weimar Roldan, Maria Luisa Calle.

It was also reported to the Media, national and international, which is open the accreditation process for covering the event. Those interested should send emails to the Press Commission their data:

Full name, documents, media, position, telephone and email.

The stage of media accreditation is closed permanently on Monday November 21 at 12 pm.

NATIONAL FEDERATIONSArgentinaAustraliaBelgiumBelarusBrazilBritainCanadaChileChina TaipeiChinaColombiaCubaCzech RepublicDenmarkEcuadorFranceGermanyGreeceGuatemalaHollandHong KongIranIrelandItalyJapanKazakhstanLebanonLithuaniaMalaysiaMexicoNew ZealandPolandRussiaSlovakiaSloveniaSouth AfrikaSouth KoreaSpainSurinameSwitzerlandThailandTrinidad and TobagoTurkeyUkraineUSAUzbekistanVenezuela PROFESSIONAL TEAMSSpainCatalunyaKingdom of Navarre-Telco-M-ConorEuskadi SphinxMoskow Track TeamLeningrad Petroholding ItalyCeci Team Dream BikeGruppo Sportivo Fiamme Azzurri ChinaMax Sucess Procycling GermanyErdgas Team 2012 IrelandBikes Cunga KazakhstanTrack Team Astana MalaysiaYSD Track Malaysia UCI Team WCCC
Cali Secretaria del Deporte de Cali Coldeportes Comite Olimpico Colombiano Indervalle TCC Emcali Aguilaroja
Avianca EscuelaNacionalDelDeporte Colombina Fedeciclismo Liga
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Press Newsletter 13

Great launch of UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011.
Cali Mayor, Coldeportes Director and Federation Chairman, chaired official launch event.
Recognition for the work of licensed Hernando Zuluaga.
World Cup 2011, a true star parade in Cali.
Confirm dutch Teun Mulder.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenBoard of directors in launch of World Cup

A special presentation ceremony at the Four Points by Sheraton Cali, was now the second stage of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011, that will be held at the Alcides Nieto Patiño Velodrome between 1 and 3 December.

The official launch was presided among others, by Cali Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina, Coldeportes Director Jairo Clopatofsky and President of the Colombian Cycling Federation Jorge Ovidio González.

Host the event, Attorney Hernando Zuluaga Aristizabal, received great recognition for his work heading the Cup Organising Committee, highlighting their struggle to strengthen the competition and make today the best in the country and one of the best in the world.

Was also a recognition of individuals and entities that have supported holding the event, received a scroll style note Cali Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina, Coldeportes Director Jairo Clopatofsky, the President of the Colombian Cycling Federation Jorge Ovidio González and the Secretary for Recreation and Sport Diego Cardona Campo.

The meeting, attended by a huge number of journalists of various media in regional and national, served to ratify the nomination of Cali to host the World Cup Track Cycling in 2014.

Coinciding with the official presentation of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011, was known by the Technical Direction by UCI Commissaire International, Hector Fabio Arcila, arriving in Cali Dutchman Teun Mulder sprinter, testing specialist Keirin and Speed, confirming the great parade of world cycling stars will come to the Sultana del Valle.

These are some of the figures that have so far confirmed their arrival in Cali for the Track World Cup:

Teun Mulder (Holland)
Born in Zuuk, June 18, 1981, is a multiple national champion, world and European Keirin, Speed, Team Speed and Kilometer Time Trial races. Here his most important results:
2001: National champion Kilometer time trial and Speed.
2002: National champion Kilometer time trial.
2003: European champion Keirin.
2004: Manchester World Cup champion Team Speed, Kilometer time trial national champion.
2005: Los Angeles World Cup champion Team Speed and keirin, national champion speed.
2006: Los Angeles World Cup champion Team Speed.
2007: Beijing World Cup champion Team Sprint, European champion Speed and Omnium
2008: World champion Kilometer time trial (Manchester).
2010: World champion Kilometer time trial (Ballerup, Denmark).
2011: World silver kilometer time trial and and bronze keirin (Apeldoorn, Netherlands).

Gregory Bauge (France)
The best sprinter in the world today. Owner of 8 world titles in the keirin and the speed, since its emergence as a junior in 2002. Born in the French city of Maisons-Laffitte, Yvelines, on January 31, 1985. Baugé has dominated the world stage speed in recent years, winning consecutively World title in Proszkow (Poland) in 2009, Ballerup (Denmark) in 2010 and Apeldoorn (Netherlands) in 2011. It was also Olympic silver medal in Beijing 2008.

Maximilian Levy (Germany)
This German sprinter, born in Berlin on June 26, 1987, achieved his best time in Beijing to get Olympic bronze medal in the pure speed. This year, Levy hung the silver medal at the European Championships in Hapeldoorn (Netherlands), contesting the final with Frenchman Kevin Sireau and was fifth in the keirin Early Works of the UCI Track World Cup in Astana.

Christos Volikakis (Greece)
The Greek sprinter was born in Volos on March 25, 1988, is undoubtedly the novelty of the season in the form of the keirin. In Astana surprised none other than the multiple Olympic and world champion, Chris Hoy, who relegated to second place in an emotional final. But Volikakis had already sounded the bell Hapeldoorn Europeans, as did the English second behind Matthew Crampton and ahead of France’s Francois Pervis.

Robert Förstemann (Germany)
German sprinter, born on March 5, 1986 in Greiz, Thuringia. Engine is the best German team speed in recent times. In the company of Rene Enders and Stefan Nimke, won a couple of weeks ago the European Championships in Holland, beating arch-rivals in France and Poland. This triplet was world champion in Ballerup (Denmark) in 2010.

Edwin Avila (Colombia)
In Cali will wear Rainbow jersey, which distinguishes it as the World Championship points race, an achievement reached last March in Apeldoorn (Netherlands), beating multiple world champion of this modality, Australian Cameron Mayer and French Kneiski Morgan. Avila is also part of the best Colombian quartet Persecution of the story, which just weeks ago won the title at the Pan American Games Guadalajara.

Juan Esteban Arango (Colombia)
This is undoubtedly one of the great hopes of Colombian cycling to achieve an Olympic medal in London 2012, in Omniun race, cycling pentathlon where Arango becomes a great world specialist. Last year, during the stage of the UCI Track World Cup in Cali, thrilled the public in his fierce struggle with the world champion Ed Clancy British, who eventually won the event by a single point. This year, Arango clearly won the title of the Pan American Games Guadalajara.

Fabian Puerta (Colombia)
Cycling enthusiasts in Colombia still keep in memory the Keirin final electrifying in Guadalajara Pan American Velodrome. The young sprinter Fabian Puerta broke the rejected victories by defeating Venezuelan Hersony Canelón millimeters, who will once again it cites rival Cali. Puerta is part of the new generation of sprinters Colombian and highlights its aggressiveness and malice to dominate cycling’s showpiece event tracker. In Cali will present a high-stakes test with the best in the world in the field.

Olga Panarina (Belarus)
Belarusian, born on September 16, 1985, is the current world champion in the 500 meters, won the title last March in the Netherlands after registering 33 ° 896 000. it sufficed to defeat the French Sandie Claire and German Miriam Welte. In the same tournament was runner-up in the Keirin, surpassed by Australia’s Anna Meares. This year was the silver medal at the European Championships in pure speed and First Works of the UCI Track World Cup in Astana, was a bronze medal.

Laura Trott (England)
This beautiful English girl of only 19 years, was born on April 24, 1992 - dreams of the Olympic title in undercard and testing for it is subject to specific preparation and gave great results, is part of the world championship team Persecution of women in Apeldoorn, the Omniun European champion in the team pursuit in Poland 2010 and Holland 2011. In Cali, Laura will be joined by Wendy Houvenghel and Sarah Storey , who will replace Daniel King on the persecutor team.

Tatsiana Sharapova (Belarus)
Another member of the powerful team of Belarus. She´s actual world champion the points race in Hapeldoorn (Netherlands). In the recent European Championships held in Holland also was relegated to second place in the proof of the British Omniun Laura Trott, so surely, Cali will host the rematch between these two stellar ladies cycling test multiple tracker.

Sara Kathryn Hammer (USA)
born in Redondo Beach (California USA) on August 18, 1983, measures 1.70 meters and weighs 61 kilograms.
Four-time world champion in track cycling, part of the team since 2008 United States Olympian, world record holder is the individual pursuit in 3.22.200 3 kilometers, has been ten times gold medal in World Cup and has 20 national championship titles in cycling.
She is the founder of the AWTCF (American Women’s Track Cycling Fund.) Organization that helps women and sponsors U.S. cyclists.
The 2011 Sarah ends with an impressive collection of achievements, with his fourth world title chase, two world records and two gold medals at the World Cup.

Elia Viviani (Italy)
Italian rider, born on February 7, 1989, alternating with the track path, with significant achievements. Current world is Scracht runner, won the title last March in the Netherlands. The ranking also leader of the UCI World Omniun with 500 points, beating German Roger Kluge and Briton Ed Clancy (350). Viviani also heads the global list of the points race. On the road this year won stages in the USA Pro Cycling Challenge (2), The Turn of Padania (1), the Tour of Beijing (1), the Tour of Slovenia (1) and won the Grand Prize and the Etruscan Coast Tour of Bombay. It belongs to the training of Liquigas-Cannondale.

Sung Ho Cho (Korea)
This 37 year old Korean, second in the modality of the First Stage Omniun 2011-2012 in Astana, will undoubtedly be one of the major opponents to be the Colombian Juan Esteban Arango in this test of six disciplines. Cho is an experienced middle-distance runner who will seek to ensure their presence at the podium in the group tests (score, Disposal, scracht) and particularly in the Individual Pursuit. He come cali in Seoul Cycling Team.

Maria Luisa Calle (Colombia)
The great lady of Colombian cycling back to Cali as the most decorated athlete in these Classical trackers from the ICU.
Maria Luisa, a true example of discipline and perseverance, has five medals, one gold and five silver. The gold was imposed on the Cali World Cup in 2001, when he won the Individual Pursuit. At the same modality, was runner-up in 2006 in Los Angeles and 2008 in Cali, including another silver in the Team Pursuit and Elizabeth Andrea Agudelo Botero. He also won bronze in the individual pursuit in the United States 2007. His return to Cali can not be the best: get the Cali public tribute for recent titles: Pan-American champion in the individual time trial in Guadalajara and bronze medal in the team pursuit thereof Pan American Games with Lorena Vargas and Serika Guluma.

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Press Newsletter 12

Cali will live a world challenge.
Italy, Korea, Colombia and Germany by Omnium title.
Viviani, Cho, Arango and Kruge, face to face in Alcides Nieto Patiño track.
This thursday november 10, official launch of UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenJuan Esteban Arango (Colombia)

One race that has gained more fans in the cycling track in the world, is the Omnium, the equivalent of the pentathlon and decathlon at the athletics, scoring a series of races that gives the victory to the cyclist who has more regularly throughout the competition.

Both Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup and contests of the Olympic cycle, as just happened in the Pan American Games Guadalajara 2011, captures the attention Omnium in male and female branches, thanks to the expectation generated by each test the outcome and management of accumulated points.

Italian Elia Vivianni, Korean Cho Sung Ho, Colombian Juan Esteban Arango and German Roger Kruge, are part of a select group of specialists in the omnium, who come to the second stage in Cali with all the merits to win the gold medal in Cali.

Colombia respose their aspirations for victory in the omnium, in Juan Esteban Arango, recent champion of this race in the Pan American Games Guadalajara 2011, who last year won the subtitle at the stage in Cali, vibrant finish with world champion the British Ed Clancy.

Juan Esteban Arango is considered today as one of the Colombians who could hang an Olympic medal in London.

The Omnium in males takes place with the following tests:
Lap, points race (30 km), Elimination, Individual Pursuit (4000 meters), Scratch (15 km) and Kilometer Time Trial

The Omnium in ladies met as follows:
Lap, points race (20 km), Elimination, Individual Pursuit (3000 meters), Scratch (10 km) and 500 meter time.



Official launch this thursday.

On Thursday November 10th will be the official launch of the second stop of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011.

The event will be met at the Sheraton Hotel in Cali (Calle 18 Norte # 4N-08) at 9:30 in the morning, are invited, the Mayor of Santiago de Cali Dr. Jorge Ivan Ospina, the National Director of Jairo Clopatofsky Coldeportes , the Colombian Olympic Committee President Baltazar Medina, President of the Colombian Cycling Federation Ovid Jorge Gonzales, Indervalle Manager Luis Fernando Martinez, Secretary of Sport and Recreation Diego Cardona and other special guests.


Cali Secretaria del Deporte de Cali Coldeportes Comite Olimpico Colombiano Indervalle TCC Emcali Aguilaroja
Avianca EscuelaNacionalDelDeporte Colombina Fedeciclismo Liga
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Press Newsletter 11

Open Stage for Media accreditation.
Anyone interested in covering the Track World Cup duty incumbent accredited to the Organization.

Haga clic para ampliar la imagenTrack World Cup in Cali velodrome

The Press and Communications Department of the UCI Track World Cup Cali 2011, to be met from 1 to 3 December next, informing all journalists and media interested in covering the global contest, which as of this Wednesday 02 November, are open Accreditations, which can be done via email with members of the Press Commission led by Gonzalo Hernandez florez journalist.

The phase of the Media accreditation for national and international will be extended until Monday, November 20 at 6:00 pm when will the final close.

In the media accreditation application must include:

  • Full name
  • Identity
  • Media
  • Role
  • E-mail
  • Telephone number

It is recalled that the press accreditation of the World Cup is required to enter the velodrome and access the work areas (Tribune Media and Press Room).

The Media Accreditation alone is not sufficient for access to the bottom of the track, as determined by the UCI and the Office of the Press, will be given an additional card for such income to a limited number of borrowers, this number is directly related to the kind of coverage that each medium makes the contest and its use is not transferable.

This year for the disposal of the UCI (International Cycling Union) the list of registered media will be sent to Switzerland to open the database of the Colombian press that normally covers the UCI cycling events in our country.

This list will have priority to receive accreditation to the World Track Championships 2014 that aims to make the capital of Valle, taking into account that the competition will limit journalists accredited by the large volume of media from around the world attending the Championships the World.

Cali Secretaria del Deporte de Cali Coldeportes Comite Olimpico Colombiano Indervalle TCC Emcali Aguilaroja
Avianca EscuelaNacionalDelDeporte Colombina Fedeciclismo Liga


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