Friday, September 28, 2012

ISBN: 978-958-8705-27-9 "Travesia del Alma" Jenny Cabrera

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Novedad literaria


en la 

18a Feria del libro del pacifico

Encuentro de culturas y regiones

Lanzamiento del libro y recital

sàbado 29 de Septiembre de 2012

4 P.M

Auditorio Jorge Isaacs

Biblioteca Departamental

María Jenny Cabrera  (MAYE )

Caleña raizal, (1962) escribe desde su adolescencia, la inspiración inicial estuvo en GABRIELA MISTRAL Y ALFONSINA STORNI, ha sido influenciada por  MEIRA DEL MAR ,  MARIA MERCEDES CARRANZA ,  PIEDAD BONNET, Y LA POETISA DE PALENQUE MARIA TERESA RAMIREZ.
Cuenta con dos libros inéditos y Travesía del Alma, poemario que se lanza en Septiembre de  2012.
  Cuenta con su Blog : MAYECALI.BLOGSPOT.COM ( TRAVESÍA DEL EL ALMA), donde precisamente  desnuda ésta  para dejarnos conocer los sibilino senderos por los que hubo de trasegar para llegar a las letras que hoy relatan su camino sin llegada pero henchido de esperanza.
Es egresada de la Universidad del Valle en  Gestión Ejecutiva  y  fue gestora cultural de su comuna nombrada por voto popular.
Ofició como  presentadora del programa de televisión MAGAZIN  AM.COM y colaboró por algún tiempo con programas radiales al lado de insignes periodistas de la ciudad en procura de incentivar nuevamente una Cali cívica por excelencia.
Creadora y Directora  de la Fundación HACIENDO CIUDAD, HACEMOS  PAIS que propendía por recuperar el civismo de la ciudad y brindar oportunidad de aprendizaje artístico a niños con alto grado de vulnerabilidad. 

Fernando IX University

Un Rincón Poético para caminar juntos en búsqueda de respuestas sobre el dolor, la Soledad, la Pasión y el AMOR


Centelleas en las cumbres
Las más altas
eres sabiduría milenaria;
Heredada del agua
De paso firme y trasegar altivo
La luz de los colores
Iluminan tu risa y tus ansias

Plasmas vidas  en retablos
Esculpes trazos en el alba.
 palabras que enamoran
Brota  tu pluma madrugada

La pasión marcó tu sello
 vibraste y fuiste trueno
 levitó como pluma
la piel que anidaba
entre tus brazos tiernos

montañas de agua etérea
la bañaban
y en una madrugada
  ceñiste  la dulzura
 la esculpiste para el alma.



Cubierto de espejos
la tarde cae en penumbra
los ojos transitan 
en el espacio silente.
el aroma del viento
busca perpetuarse
en las huellas de una imagen
tatuada de versos 


Cali- 2012
Fernando IX University


Esa soy, la real,
taciturna, vaporosa, enamorada
Esa soy
sin deseos, sin sexo, sin mi cuerpo,
sola con mi alma
la del día a día
la que dispone mundos
y por igual su casa

que se viste de vida
para  cuidar  del nido
la que edifica un hombre
la que construye hijos
La que piensa y dispensa
y se arruga y desmaya
la que mira en silencio
Como todo se acaba

Esa soy
la del día a día
Esa  que imagina  que
enamora el alba
y busca en resquicios
de otros alma
y el alma de ella

la que sueña amores,
la que olvida odios
y   las decepciones
las guarda silente
entre ajadas  flores

esa soy
la que se abandona
y se entrega toda
toda en sentimiento
solo con su alma
lejos de su cuerpo

con  sus tantas penas
y escasas  alegrías
que  de vez en cuando
se pretende reina¡, se pretende musa¡,
se pretende hada¡ , nana¡, abuela y niña¡
la que canta versos,
y por quién la vida brinda su ambrosía


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PH207x: Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health ResearchHarvardX


Quantitative Methods in Clinical and Public Health Research is the online adaptation of material from the Harvard School of Public Health's classes in epidemiology and biostatistics.
Principled investigations to monitor and thus improve the health of individuals are firmly based on a sound understanding of modern quantitative methods. This involves the ability to discover patterns and extract knowledge from health data on a sample of individuals and then to infer, with measured uncertainty, the unobserved population characteristics. This course will address this need by covering the principles of biostatistics and epidemiology used for public health and clinical research. These include outcomes measurement, measures of associations between outcomes and their determinants, study design options, bias and confounding, probability and diagnostic tests, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, power and sample size determinations, life tables and survival methods, regression methods (both, linear and logistic), and sample survey techniques. Students will analyze sample data sets to acquire knowledge of appropriate computer software. By the end of the course the successful student should have attained a sound understanding of these methods and a solid foundation for further study.


Students should have a sound grasp of algebra.


Earl Francis Cook

E. Francis Cook, ScD, is a Professor of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and at the Harvard Medical School. In the past five years he has taught or directed more than 30 offerings of 8 different courses at HSPH. He developed and directs the Summer-Only Masters of Science (SM) in Epidemiology and the Summer-Only Masters of Public Health (Clinical Effectiveness) (MPH) Degree Programs at HSPH.
He has won Citations for Excellence in Teaching from the Harvard School of Public Health on four occasions, the Alumni Award of Merit from the Harvard School of Public Health for his teaching and mentoring, the Teaching Award from the Center of Clinical Investigation at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and is a member the American Schools of Public Health/Pfizer Public Health Academy of Distinguished Teachers.

Marcello Pagano

Professor Pagano obtained a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University and has spent the last 35 years on the faculty at the Harvard School Public Health teaching biostatistics and advising students. His research in biostatistics continues to be on compute intensive inference and surveillance methods that involve screening methodologies, with their associated laboratory tests, and in obtaining more accurate testing results that use existing technologies. The accuracy of these screening tests is important--for example to maintain the integrity of the nation's blood supply--and it is doubly beneficial if these methods are also cheaper to implement; thus more testing can be done. This can mean a safer blood supply, for example.
His interests extend to the quantitative aspects of Monitoring and Evaluation, especially as they are applied in resource poor settings, and are brought to bear to improve the quality of health services to all.


How much does it cost to take the course?

Nothing! The course is free.

When will assignments be due?

The course is organized into weeks, and each week will have its own set of assignments. students will be expected to complete their homework each week.

Do I need any other materials to take the course?

Nope, as long as you’ve got a Mac or PC, you’ll be ready to take the course.

Will the course use any textbooks or software?

The course wont make use of any textbooks, but it will use Stata (a piece of software for doing statistical analysis). Students will be able to use Stata for free for the duration of the course (Mac and PC only).

Do I need to watch the lectures live?

No. You can watch the lectures at your leisure.

Will certificates be awarded?

Yes. Online learners who achieve a passing grade in a course can earn a certificate of mastery. These certificates will indicate you have successfully completed the course, but will not include a specific grade. Certificates will be issued by edX under the name of either HarvardX, MITx or BerkeleyX, designating the institution from which the course originated. For the courses in Fall 2012, honor code certificates will be free.
If you have any questions about edX generally, please see the edX FAQ.
If you have any further questions about PH207x that are not answered in this or the edX FAQ, please

Thursday, September 27, 2012

FIX University Agenda Cultural OCW @

recstay.blogspot.comSurfing Girls: On Campus @FIX University A&F(RecStay)InglesAgil
130 × 98 - 5 k

maggie101.blogspot.comStayin' Alive - Montreal Student Protest 2012 pommelafleche 105 views 5 days ...
129 × 97 - 4 k

maggie101.blogspot.comHuge Montreal Student Protest, March 22 2012 (view from bridge)
129 × 97 - 7 k ...
80 × 135 - 13 k - gif

maggie101.blogspot.comPhoto of the Day: May 1, 2012 –Montreal May Day protest goes downhill fast
136 × 91 - 5 k

recstay.blogspot.comReorder; Duration: 7:53; Published: 29 Apr 2012; Updated: 11 May 2012
129 × 97 - 4 k

maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil: Mar 30, 2012
131 × 74 - 3 k

maggie101.blogspot.com3/22/2012 Montreal Student Protest - Outside Sun Life Building
129 × 97 - 6 k

fixlibrary.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil: Sep 8, 2010
127 × 96 - 4 k

claudiacristobal.blogs...Google Look @ InglesAgil @ FIX University From CIIP 287 × 326 - 30 k - jpg
104 × 118 - 3 k

fixlibrary.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil: Sep 4, 2010
127 × 95 - 4 k

recstay.blogspot.comReorder; Duration: 0:36; Published: 20 Jun 2010; Updated: 13 Jun 2012
129 × 97 - 4 k

recstay.blogspot.comReorder; Duration: 1:29; Published: 26 May 2010; Updated: 30 Jun 2012
129 × 97 - 4 k

recstay.blogspot.comReorder; Duration: 7:38; Published: 20 Dec 2011; Updated: 06 Apr 2012
129 × 97 - 4 k

recstay.blogspot.comReorder; Duration: 6:40; Published: 14 Jun 2008; Updated: 18 Feb 2012
129 × 97 - 3 k

maggie101.blogspot.comRiot police confront studentsduring a protest April 26, 2012 inMontreal, .
135 × 89 - 4 k

maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil: Mar 30, 2012
137 × 71 - 4 k

maggie101.blogspot.comAn Americana Event "CAMPUS CULTURAL" InglesAgil: May 25, 2012
109 × 127 - 4 k

inglesagibackup.blogsp...Agenda Mujeres 2012 Casa Cultural Tejiendo Sororidades
160 × 227 - 10 k - jpg

recstay.blogspot.comInglesAgil A&F(RecStay): Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Campus
130 × 88 - 4 k

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